Researching Your Irish Family History Seminars
Bookings open on Tuesday 21 November
for GSV and FHC Members ONLY
Visit the GSV Event pages to register
The Genealogical Society of Victoria (GSV) and Family History Connections (FHC) are proud to present two full-day seminars delivered by Fintan Mullan and Gillian Hunt, two internationally renowned experts in Irish research from the Ulster Historical Foundation.
The seminars will be conducted on Sunday 18 February 2024 at the Docklands Library and Monday 19 February 2024 at the Blackburn RSL. Both seminar days are for in-person attendance only.
The programs are different each day but complement each other. The topics to be presented will include:
Sunday 18 February 2024 - 9.00 am |
Monday 19 February 2024 - 9.30 am |
Irish resources at the GSV & FHC |
Irish archives & their websites |
Understanding Irish townlands |
Records for churches in Ireland |
Sources for famine research |
Using landed estate records |
Importance of gravestone inscriptions |
Census substitutes and other sources |
Newspapers for Irish research |
Using wills & testamentary records |
Plantation & 17th century records |
Using the Registry of Deeds |
Examples of successful searches |
Q&A and solving brick walls |
Q&A and solving brick walls |
Bookings are essential. GSV Members should book through the GSV Events system
Pricing for GSV and FHC Members:
$90 for a single day or $150 to attend both days.
Tea, coffee and water will be provided. Bring your own lunch
Library at the Dock, 107 Victoria Harbour Promenade, Docklands
Blackburn RSL, 2 Diggers Way, Blackburn
It is possible to catch public transport to both venues. Please consult the Public Transport Victoria website.
Book to ensure your place at this exciting seminar program. More information about the Ulster Historical Foundation may be found on their website: ancestryireland.com