There is a growing interest in joining others who share and discuss common areas of genealogical research. It's informative and more fun!
This year the GSV is launching new Discussion Circles to cater for those researching ancestors who lived in and around London and another for those who lived in British India. A third new Discussion Circle formed recently is focussed on the North of England (Durham, Northumberland, Yorkshire & Cumberland).
These common-interest groups are open to GSV Members for no additional cost (as part of GSV membership). They meet regularly and provide great value for your research by the free exchange of their participants' knowledge and experience. They also may invite specialist experts to their meetings.
For example the South West England discussion circle (SWERD) this coming Wednesday, 14 March at 12:30 to 2:00 pm is looking pretty special with a very interesting guest speaker who will generate plenty of discussion. Dr Joe Flood is the Administrator of the DNA projects for Cornish ancestry on the myFamilyTreeDNA website and he administers these global DNA projects from Melbourne. Dr Flood will discuss the projects and the findings to date. The projects have a Cornish focus, but there should be something in the presentation for everyone who is interested in the use of DNA in family history research. SWERD has been expanded - GSV members with research interests in Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and now Dorset are very welcome at the meetings.
The newest GSV Discussion Circles will meet as follows:
The North of England : Tuesday 13 March - 12.30 - 1.30 pm.
London Research - Thursday 22 March - 12.00- 1.00 pm. With a view to starting a Discussion Circle. Bookings essential - ring +61 3 9662 4455 or the website http://www.gsv.org.au
British India - Tuesday 17 April - 12.00 - 1.00 pm.
Join the GSV quick (or on the day) to benefit from these groups if this is your area of special interest. You can also read more about these groups in the latest issue of Ancestor journal 34:1 (March 2018)