On Saturday 8 February, Dr Perry McIntyre will be presenting at the IADC zoom meeting. Dr McIntyre has been involved in and researched Irish history and genealogy for over 40 years. Her topic "In good health and fit to undergo the voyage: workhouse orphan immigrants" will be based on the 4114 young women who arrived in Sydney, Port Phillip and Adelaide from the workhouses of Ireland during the period October 1848 to July 1850. Six ships from those ports offloaded 1,255 girls in Melbourne.
Dr McIntyre has published and spoken extensively on immigration, particularly 19th-century Irish immigration. Her doctoral research on convict family reunion was first published by Irish Academic Press in 2010 and then republished by Anchor Books in Australia in 2018.
The IADC are particularly thrilled that she has made herself available. Within our cohort there is great interest in the Earl Grey Scheme, and in immigration from Ireland generally. Her talk is eagerly awaited.
Members can register to attend by logging into the GSV website and finding the Irish Ancestry Discussion Circle entry on the Events page.
This is a members only event held via Zoom on February 8th between 1 and 3pm.