Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

Ancestor journal wins the 2024 Nick Vine Hall Award

Expiry Date
02 February, 2025

It has just been announced by AFFHO that the Ancestor journal has won the 2024 Nick Vine Hall Award for the best family history journal/newsletter in Australia and New Zealand, in category B for societies over 500 members.

The announcement was made at the beginning of the 2024 AAFHO National Family History Month opening session (by Zoom of course). This makes the sixth time the journal has received this award since 2009 - a real endorsement of the continuing value of the GSV's journal to genealogy and family history.

We've long known that GSV has an Editorial and Creative team to be very proud of when it comes to producing our Ancestor journal. That pride is well-placed, as confirmed again with our journal receiving the great national accolade of winning the 2024 Nick Vine Hall Award. The Editorial and Creative team are all volunteers and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude for their great work for GSV. And many thanks to the contributors as well, who provide such interesting and valuable content for the journal.

You can revisit and enjoy the award-winning edition - March 2023 - on the GSV website under the Ancestor Journal tab - log-in as a member to view our Ancestor journals, we have over 60 years of our journal online.

Stephen Hawke

President GSV

This Award honours Nick Vine Hall AM. Nick represented AFFHO at a National level in a Save the Census Campaign in the mid-1980s. Read more about this at Census Time Capsule.


You have a few weeks to get your entry in for this year's Ancestor Prize - closing 4 pm Friday 30 August. See details at