British India Discussion Circle

British India Discussion circleFrom the 17th to the 20th century over three million Britons lived in India and South Asia, working in the military, the government, in commerce or as missionaries. A community of the descendants of European fathers and Indian mothers was domiciled in India from the early 17th century. The British India Discussion Circle is designed to assist those GSV members who are researching these British and Anglo-Indian ancestors.


  • To bring together GSV members with a common interest in British India.
  • To enable the discussion of ‘brick walls’ and to help solve them.
  • To review resources available at the GSV, around Melbourne, nationwide, overseas and online which will assist members' research.
  • To educate ourselves about what our ancestors lived though in India by discussing books, podcasts, films etc., featuring the British in India.

Who may join?

The Circle is open only to GSV Members as part of their annual subscription. There is no additional fee. From time to time, the topic for the meeting will be of interest to others in the GSV who are not regular British in India participants: for example, in 2023, we had a talk about Indian words that have been adopted into English.


Monthly meetings are held via Zoom from 7.30 to 9.00 pm enabling interstate members to participate. Members are encouraged to present results of their research and other areas of interest to the group.

To register for one of our meetings, please view the list of upcoming events and select the event(s) of interest: Upcoming Events - British India Discussion Circle. Registrants will receive an email with the Zoom link for the meeting.

More information:

More information is available from the convenors: please email or contact GSV Administration –+61 3 9662 4455

Last updated on by Tom O'DEA