Visiting the Library
Library opening times and address
Preparing for your visit
To make the best use of your time in the GSV Library we recommend you check our Library collections from your home before you come in. If you are a member, make sure you are logged in when you do this as you will see more information than a non-member. Our collection is housed in two locations. Only items marked GSV are on site. Items labelled RHSV need to be ordered in advance of your visit.
You can bring your own device and access our wifi when on site. If you are not bringing a device with you, consider listing your username and password information for sites you frequently use for your family history work so you have access while at the GSV.
If you are starting out on tracing your family history then please refer to our “Beginning your Family History” guide.
Visiting the Library
If it is your first visit to the GSV Library, then ask one of our friendly volunteer Library Research Assistants who will be on duty to show you around the Library and to help you get started with your research.
Rules of the Library
- Sign in with your name and membership number on the sign in sheet at Reception
- Wear a name tag or Membership card (if you have one) so we can all address each other by name. Stick-on labels are available in the Library
- Mask usage is optional but should be considered if working in close proximity to others. Please sanitize hands upon entry to GSV and sanitise work spaces and equipment when finished using.
- If you are unwell or have any cold or flu symptoms please do not come in to the GSV
- Quiet, but not necessarily silence, is required so as not to disturb other researchers. Mobile telephones are not to be used in the Library
- Items removed from the shelves should be returned to the trolley (top shelf) for the Librarians or Library Research Assistants to re-shelve
- Please use the wipes provided to clean the keyboard, mouse and bench tops where you have worked before leaving the Library
Visitor Fee
The non-member Visitor Fee to use the library is $30.00 per visit per person.
This fee is refunded against membership if you join within 14 days of your visit. Pay on arrival at GSV.