Irish Ancestry Group/Irish Ancestry Discussion Circle


Irish Ancestry discussion circle


The Irish Ancestry Discussion Circle aims to provide support and connection to all members researching their Irish heritage.

 We endeavour to commit to:

  • Foster the study of Irish history and genealogical research on the Irish in Australia
  • Develop and maintain connections with other Irish genealogical groups and societies
  • Organise regular speakers, presentations and discussions on matters of interest to members
  • Regular ‘Irish Day in the Library’ research assistance and support
  • Organise Conferences and special events on topics of Irish interest with presentations by Australian and overseas speakers 
  • Maintain and record all presentations at meetings to be retained as GSV webcasts
  • Encourage members to engage and participate in the use of the GSV library resources 
  • Promote individual connection and camaraderie between all members


GSV members can register for Discussion Circle meetings via the ‘Current and Upcoming Events’ page or the link below.  Anyone who is not a GSV member should email

Regular quarterly meetings are held; the November and February meetings are hybrid in-person and via zoom attendance; the May and August meetings are via zoom only.  New attendees are welcomed and encouraged to participate at all meetings.

To register for one of our meetings, please view the list of upcoming events and select the event(s) of interest: Upcoming Events - Irish Ancestry Discussion Circle (IADC)

Registrants will receive an email with the Zoom link for the meeting.

Irish Day in the Library

A regular ‘Irish Day in the Library’ event supports members who are researching their Irish heritage.  Library research assistance is particularly available on these days.  Please look for information on the GSV blog, or Irish Ancestry Discussion Circle noticeboard for further details of these events.

Notice Boards, Forums and Blogs

The GSV and the Irish Ancestry Discussion Circle post noticeboard events, and blogs concerning matters of Irish interest.  Please look for these advices and post your questions or queries on the forum so that your ideas or concerns can be best answered or shared to members.

Contact information

Genealogical Society of Victoria
Level 1, 10 Queen Street, Melbourne Vic 3000  AUSTRALIA
Phone: 03-9662-4455    Email:

Last updated on by Meg Bate