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I know you are still working hard from the comfort of your home office, so the nearly 200 webcasts created by the GSV are a great way to learn about family history from experts.
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These are available to GSV members when they login or non-members can view them by obtaining a GSV Visitor E-Pass. More details on https://www.gsv.org.au/webcasts
No matter how experienced you are there are always tips and tricks that other researchers can tell us about.
Delve into the catalogue or browse the 26 categories to help you - including one on 'pandemics' (in case you haven't read enough about that topic yet!)
See these latest 10 webcasts added to our catalogue at Genealogical Society of Victoria.
A glimpse at Chartism and reform in south-west England - Cathy Carman
Explores the rise of Chartism and reform in England during the 19th century with special reference to the south west counties.
Looking for my convict ancestors - Michael Considine
Mentions: Samuel Morgan - Charles Richards - Sarah Gibbs - Mary Manning/s - Richard Daniels
Researching Tasmanian Convicts - Cheryl Griffin
Includes resources available to assist with the research of Beckett, Storey, Hunter and MacCleod families and Tasmanian convicts generally.
The Victorian registers of "Certificates exempting from the dictation test" - Sophie Couchman and Terry Young.
Finding families in the National Archives [of Australia]: pt 1 - an overview of records of interest to family historians; pt 2 - searching the NAA website and catalogue - Patrick Ferry.
Researching single people - Cheryl Griffin
The stories of many single people have disappeared from history, often because there are no direct descendants to carry the stories to the next generation, or perhaps because the person in question did not have a public profile of any significance. Dr Cheryl Griffin explores the principles and methodology used to identify individuals that do not appear frequently in surviving records.
Introducing the Port Phillip Pioneers Group - Stuart Hamilton
Stuart Hamilton, the Vice-President of the Port Phillip Pioneers Group, provides a history of the development of the Port Phillip District until 1851 and outlines the assistance that the Group provides to their members who are researching family who settled in the district in the early days.
Exploring the collections of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria - Jillian Hiscock
The RHSV has an extensive collection and Jillian describes how the RHSV may be able to assist family historians. For example theVictorian Pioneer Registerthat contains information of early colonists who arrived in Victoria before 21 November 1856.
Introducing the Wodonga Family History Society - Pat Hopkins & Wendy Cooksey
Members of the Wodonga FHS describe how they can assist individuals trace their family history in the area. They have an extensive holding of records relating to north-eastern Victoria.
Using oral history for family historians - Judy Hughes
The recorded interview can be used as a primary source of information about a time, an event or a life. Oral histories can also challenge existing collective beliefs. In this presentation, Judy Hughes discusses the techniques used in oral history and how they can add to your family stories.