Happy 2019 New Year to all family historians and blog followers!
I see we have reached over 100 posts to this blog and I hope you have found them informative and interesting. We would love to hear from you in the 'Comments' section of any post - just register and join in. (Remember this is a public site). For our first post for 2019 Michael Rumpff at the GSV highlights the large collection of family history periodicals that are received and indexed at the GSV Research Centre. [Ed.]
From time to time, the GSV receives bulletins and newsletters from associated organisations. Because a lot of work goes into producing these communications, it’s only fair that we share them will all GSV members. You may well be aware of these organisations and their newsletters, but then again, you may not! They all contain information that you may find useful. We recently received one from the Federation of Australian Historical Societies, and it can be read at https://www.history.org.au/ebulletin/ Of note in this issue is a tribute to the late Joan Hunt, a farewell to the former President of the FAHS, Don Garden, and a welcome to the new President, Margaret Anderson. There are a number of other items that may be of interest, for instance on shipwrecks.
GSV holds a large resource of family history periodicals from around the world. To date there are over 200 of these which are acquired by subscription, gratis and by way of exchanging GSV’s own journal Ancestor for those of other groups. These are then indexed by our volunteers and can be searched by members on our Catalogue, so you can follow up the leads they provide. These periodicals come from everywhere and form a resource you would have difficulty finding anywhere else. A casual inspection of the catalog reveals such journals as ‘Rodziny: the journal of the Polish Genealogical Society of America, the Geelong Family History Group’s The Pivot Group, Stawell’s The Reef Rumblings, other from Ormskirk and Saskatchewan, Origins from Buckinghamshire and Die Zeitung from Germany. In the catalog enter ‘Perio*’ as TOPIC and ‘to date’ in the ‘Any Word’ field for all currently received periodicals. If you want to limit the search to a specific country, other than Australia, put in ‘ENG’, for example.
'We also have many other periodicals which have either ceased, or our acquisition program has changed', Linley Hooper, GSV's Research Library Manager reminds us. 'The Irish ancestor and The Irish genealogist are just two examples of defunct journals, but we have an index (and electronic copies) to all their issues. The electronic journals are searchable as PDFs, but that can be overwhelming – always best to start with an index created by humans who know what you may be looking for.'
GSV would love to have some more volunteers for this interesting work. Look in our catalog and see what you can find in this extensive resource to help your research.