Researching Family History in South Australia with the South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society

Researching Family History in South Australia
with the South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society

Speaker: Helen Livingston, Chair Marketing & Promotion Committee, Genealogy SA

Do you have ancestors who lived and worked in South Australia? Helen will outline the resources and expertise offered by Genealogy SA that can assist you with your family history research. In addition to many online digitised resources, including historic SA birth, death and marriage records, the Society has an extensive collection of books, microfiche, journals and other family history resources in their Library. Come along to learn about our sister Family History Society in South Australia.

For GSV members only. Free of charge. Please log in to register.
Zoom link provided with registration confirmation email.

10 Apr 2025 from 13:30 to 15:00
Zoom meeting via Internet
Australian Eastern Standard Time
Melbourne VIC
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